Tumwater City Council has begun discussing whether it’s feasible for the city to take on managing the 400-year-old Davis Meeker Garry Oak ... tree means having a long-term maintenance plan ...
There are plenty of opinions to be had about TPC Sawgrass, and the newly planted tree on the sixth hole is certainly ...
tree breeding and genetic improvement efforts that could help forest managers plan for and address future forest resources. Highly valued economically, ecologically and culturally, the white oak ...
Gail’s bosses plan to remove the astroturf and decking and alter the seating, providing landscaped areas and planters using orginal timber from the oak tree. The famous oak withered and tree died over ...
The Kyle City Council voted to relocate an old live oak ... The tree’s bark was to be turned into art. After lots of community feedback, the city decided to revisit the decision. On Saturday, Kyle ...
At the Tamarack Marketplace just outside Beckley, a towering pin oak faced a grim future. With a hollowed-out core, the fate of this magnificent tree was hanging by a branch. A weak structural ...
A woman died late Monday night after crashing her vehicle into an oak tree on River Road, according to the Modesto Police Department. The Stanislaus County Coroner’s Office on Wednesday said the ...
Oak wilt is a fatal tree disease caused by a fungus that affects all species of oak trees. Oak wilt spreads from diseased to healthy trees either below ground via connected roots or above ground by ...
The natural grass field, he noted, requires ample sunlight, much of which would be obscured by a large canopy tree. "The long-term plan is to plant ... adding an overcup oak in the existing ...