The show features about 100 varieties of orchids selected from the more than 28,000 species that exist worldwide. Flowers fill two indoor conservatories, immersing visitors in color and fragrance.
Flower enthusiasts in the Florida Keys have a lot to look forward to this weekend. The Key West Orchid Festival begins on Friday. The free, three-day event is hosted by the Key West Orchid Society.
Right now, an orchid might not have any flowers because its blooming season in the UK typically begins in April. However, beautiful orchids with flowers are available to buy at supermarkets and ...
"Feed phalaenopsis [moth orchid] a dedicated flower fertiliser every second watering," Angela recommended. "Dissolve it in a tub of water and keep this for every second watering," she emphasised.
Should I Repot My Orchid? Timing is important in order to ensure success. There are three major signs to look for when determining if you should repot a moth orchid or not. First, if you see white ...