[Robin] over at acidmods sent in this interesting PSP mod. [PvP] added an internal hard drive (with the exception of a mini-usb cable sticking out the top) to his PSP. The advantage? Laptop hard ...
近日,一位名叫@zaku_mods的INS博主在社交媒体上发布了一系列照片,引发了广泛关注。这些照片展示了他使用PSP便携式游戏机安装地图导航软件进行 ...
[JoblessPunk] recently finished his what-a-psp-should-be mod. He’s internalized a camera and added a switch in the body to toggle between using the camera or using the USB port. There’s an ...
近日,海外知名DIY频道Retro Mod Works发布了一项令人眼前一亮的创意改造项目。该项目将一个屏幕损坏的索尼PSP游戏掌机,改造成了一款充满复古魅力 ...
Modded PSP handhelds can now connect to WPA2 encrypted Wi-Fi networks, thanks to a custom firmware update. PSP’s multiplayer and online functionality have long been dead since the 20-year-old ...