In fact we have to remember that it's the Christians who use the term pagan to define those people who are not Christians. It's a Christian term for another group or the other people and so really ...
In contemporary Paganism, people who may identify as Neopagans, Wiccans, druids, hedonists, witches, animists, nature ...
Most people are not at all familiar with what paganism actually is. Basically, paganism is about believing in religions, ideals, and philosophies that are not of the main world, including ...
The three letters purportedly containing a confession continue to frustrate Marion County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Sean ...
Paganism is our designation for what ninety-something percent of the people in the Mediterranean were doing. Jews are a visible minority, and then, everybody is doing lots of other things.
The Lamb of Christ, found on an altar at Saint Patrick’s Basilica, represents Jesus’s devotion to guiding and leading the ...
These pagan people believed that life was born from death. Therefore they celebrated the beginning of the "new year" in the fall (on the eve of October 31 and into the day of November 1) when, as they ...
The stone probably was of ritual importance to pagan people, yet it was built into the wall of a Christian church.The Derrykeighan Stone is incised with a beautiful symbol created 2,000 years ago ...