新华社西安3月27日电 (记者李亚楠、郑昕)27日下午,陕西省纪委监委发布丹宁高速水阳段桥梁垮塌灾害相关责任单位及人员追责问责情况通报,对5个责任单位及43名公职人员进行了追责问责。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
The traditional way of making Xuan paper includes over 100 procedures to serve high-standard artistic creations, such as calligraphy, painting, etc. The craft of making Xuan paper was listed as one of ...
此次开工建设的漳江湾跨海特大桥,全长5.8公里,海域部分占比达5公里,横跨G228沿海大通道,并邻近漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区等生态敏感区域。施工过程中,建设单位采用信息化管控系统,实时监测环境影响,并通过旋挖钻、冲击钻工艺及悬臂智慧造桥机技术,以 ...