To identify subfield-based prognostic factors, the central 30-degree visual field (Humphrey Field Analyzer) was divided into 6 subfields: upper and lower arcuate, paracentral, and cecocentral ...
Anatomical marks: SMA = Supplementary Motor Area; IFG = Inferior Frontal Gyrus; STG = Superior Temporal Gyrus. Supplementary Figure 3. Correlation to hearing aid age and hearing threshold. A. Auditory ...
Fremont, California, USA) and ICGA images (Spectralis; Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). The agreement between OCTA and ICGA techniques in terms of area of vascularisation measured, using ...
In contrast, ADC increases were more prominent, such as in the left paracentral lobule (+22.10%), right paracentral lobule (+14.8% ... and right increasing (+20.19%), and in the accumbens area, with ...
The primary motor cortex (MOp) is an important site for motor skill learning. Interestingly, neurons in MOp possess reward-related activity, presumably to facilitate reward-based motor learning. While ...
Int Ophthalmol Clin. 2013;53(4):1-10. Delayed presentation of corneal trauma or severe injuries may result in corneal perforation and loss of corneal tissue. These injuries are more difficult to ...
Both central visual acuity, determined by foveal function, and the paracentral visual field, determined by retinal neural sensitivity ... The ILM was directly grasped and peeled with end-gripping ...