But none of those districts also dealt with the deadly Eaton fire. The Pasadena Unified layoffs — which total about 150 jobs, nearly 120 of them certificated positions mostly held by teachers ...
NEW ROCHELLE, NY — On any given day, firefighters in New Rochelle could be called on to respond to an emergency rescue at a skyscraper, a pileup on one of the nation's busiest highways or a fire ...
while helping to ensure a stable recovery from the Eaton Fire for both tenants and landlords. Ryan Bell, chair of the Pasadena Rental Housing Board, spoke to LAist to help explain what’s changed.
The Pasadena Rental Housing Board has adopted protections for renters impacted by the Eaton fire, including eviction protection. PRHB amended its regulations to temporarily prevent evictions for ...
A fire at New Rochelle's Imperial Yacht Club early Saturday morning injured two people and destroyed seven boats. The two victims, a mother and child, were taken to a local hospital, where they ...
Lisa Cavelier, Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena, CEO discusses the work the organization is doing to help the community after the Eaton Fire, including a family assistance fund. ‘Enough is enough ...
In response to the ongoing impact of the Eaton Fire, the City of Pasadena is implementing provisions to extend temporary housing protections for displaced residents staying in hotels, motels, inns, ...