Liberation begins with God giving the Israelites control of their own time and inviting them to commemorate and sanctify ...
Launching March 28, hit show doesn't downplay Christ's Jewish roots but takes advice from a Messianic rabbi. Season Five: ...
One longtime Bay Area resident believes the credit should go to her — but she's not the only claimant. PLUS: The original ...
By TR Robertson The month of April is filled with some significant dates important to Jewish and Christian religious beliefs and an important date for some hard-working members of ...
With Passover celebrations fast approaching, many Jews are focused on social injustices and searching for ways to help. Enter ...
Richard Kreitner's "Fear No Pharoah" gives an honest account of how Jews resisted, ignored and even championed American ...
There are so many cool gifts you can purchase for your hosts or buy yourself to add some more joy to your holiday.
PJ Library, best known for sending free storybooks to Jewish families with young children, has lots of resources designed to ...
With eggs costing nearly $5 a dozen, many will need assistance in the weeks ahead. As the holiday approaches, several ...
April—time of showers and spring flowers, all manner of leavened breads and the complete absence thereof.
Observant Jews can now enjoy cannabis during Passover with the first-ever kosher-for-Passover THC gummies. Available for a ...
With each passing year, more and more Haggadahs are being printed – and that trend continues in 2025. Here are a few that can enhance your Seder.