Studies have found microplastics in human blood, lungs, and even the placenta, raising serious health concerns. Microplastics and nanoplastics (MNP) exposure can cause inflammation, oxidative ...
This furthers what we already know: it's important to reduce plastic consumption and use at every level—particularly with regard to anything that touches what you eat and drink. As such ...
Placenta and Seal Beach. Fullerton Mayor Fred Jung proposed the idea of his city joining that list in part, he said, to have more legal tools at the city’s disposal to challenge the state’s ...
Before a colonoscopy, a person needs to drink a special fluid that clears their bowels to make any irregularities easier to spot during the procedure. Some people may call this a “colonoscopy ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Espresso martinis – in all their variations -- are an American favorite. With National Espresso Martini Day on Saturday, March 15, we’ve thought about the versions we’ve ...
MCDA twins are identical twins who share a single placenta (monochorionic) but have two separate amniotic sacs (diamniotic). This type of twin pregnancy occurs when a fertilised egg splits between ...
“She was telling me that the placenta – which gives nutrients to the baby, it is like core to growing a baby – is 98% the man,” said the model in disbelief. “I’ve asked a few men and ...
During Leila's pregnancy with triplets, she was told she had Monochorionic, Diamniotic (MCDA), meaning that two of her babies, her identical boys Jerry and Frankie, shared a placenta but were each ...
Lizzie said: "I received an immunoglobulin treatment as a preventative treatment to stop the aggressive antibodies crossing the placenta to the baby. "This consisted of multiple sessions each week ...
"But when you have mono/di twins, that means your twins live off one placenta which can lead to lots of complications - one of them being one baby might take all the nutrients which, and it's ...