But fortunately, March is the time when many flowering indoor plants get ready for their big show, and with a little care, ...
Fertilizers and compost are important additions to a garden. Fertilizers contain the big three—nitrogen for green growth, ...
Many delicious vegetable crops can be grown in raised beds, but some are better suited than others. Consider the overall size ...
For easy drainage, McKinley suggests watering your plants in a sink or bathtub. If you water them in situ, dump excess liquid ...
Succulents are some of the easiest plants to take care of and this 20-pack includes a live assortment from Altman Plants.
Forget plastic seed trays and root-bound seedlings. Soil blocking is a revered, time-tested method that produces the ...
Justin Hancock, a horticulturist at Costa Farms, recommends the Thumbelina variety of carrots in particular, as it's an even ...
There are many reasons why people may prefer to plant neem or margosa trees in their yards or gardens. But make sure that ...
My grandpa hooked me on gardening early; some of my oldest memories are planting peas and digging potatoes in his huge garden ...
Cheerful, daisy-like cosmos are a must-have for all gardeners and cut flower enthusiasts! Slender, feathery stems are topped ...
I plant something different in my containers in the front of my house, trying to find that perfect plant. Maybe it’s because ...
Whether you garden on an acre or a balcony, there’s always room for peppers. Grow them in a vegetable garden, container, or ...