The 71-year-old operator took up the job around 2018. “The reason I became the water operator is I helped build this system when I was just out of high school,” Geary says. “I know how to run it, and ...
SONI is the Electricity Transmission System Operator for Northern Ireland. We bring electricity to every part of Northern Ireland and plan ahead for future growth. From our control centre in ...
U.S. Transportation Secretary Sean P. Duffy announced Tuesday that the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is urging pipeline owners and operators to voluntarily adopt new ...
Hakimo's AI Operator combines computer vision and generative AI to monitor existing security hardware such as cameras and badge readers. Unlike conventional systems, it can detect any anomaly or ...
Transnet has made a fresh investment to boost productivity at its flagship bulk handling terminal by switching to ...
This document has been published in the Federal Register. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format.
These changes are prompting a host of questions for grid operators, policymakers, and utilities — from how to ensure access to critical grid components to how to leverage state-of-the-art advanced ...
Based on flexibility indicators including the degree of load variation and task laxity, a tri-level structure involving distribution system operators (DSOs), aggregators, and the home energy ...