Photographs taken of the retina at the back of the eye can give an indication of brain health, and by using AI software to analyse the information, scientists may be able to spot signs of disease ...
If you have an eye condition that impacts your daily life, you may be eligible to claim assistance through Personal Independence Payments (PIP). PIP is a disability benefit administered by the ...
People with one of 52 eye conditions are entitled to payments of up to £8,844 each year from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). This is in the form of Personal Independence Payments (PIP).
An estimated two million people across Great Britain are living with eyesight issues or a degenerative eye condition. Nearly 59,000 working age adults under 65 are receiving extra financial ...
If you suffer with an eye condition and it affects your day-to-day life, then you could be eligible to claim help through Personal Independence Payments (PIP). PIP is a disability benefit that is ...