For example, Redox Biochemistry provides a mechanistic description of a recently discovered enzyme, sulfiredoxin, which functions to reduce cysteine residues that have been overoxidized to ...
Science X is a network of high quality websites with most complete and comprehensive daily coverage of the full sweep of ...
Many biological processes are regulated by redox chemistry mediated by oxidases, redox enzymes, and metabolic states, which are often dysregulated in diseases, including cancer and heart diseases. We ...
Paul King, PhD, is the Acting Center Director for Biosciences, and Manager of the Physical Biochemistry and Photosynthesis Group at NREL. His research interests are on reduction-oxidation (redox) ...
More information: Muhammad Rezki et al, Rational design of redox active metal organic frameworks for mediated electron transfer of enzymes, Materials Horizons (2024). DOI: 10.1039/D4MH01538J ...
Washing your dirty t-shirt at 25 degrees might soon become reality Grease, food stains and dirt on clothing. Normally, you would wash clothes like ...