The Republic of Ireland's domestic economy grew by 2.7% in 2024, official figures suggest. Irish domestic output is estimated using a measurement called modified domestic demand (MDD). The ...
The Republic of Ireland is highly likely to face a very significant period of turbulence in the face of threatened tariffs by ...
The Northern Irish economy grew faster than the UK as a whole in the final quarter of 2024 and across the year, according to the latest government statistics.
In an update on Wednesday, Europol described the Dublin-headquartered Family gang as “an Irish high-risk criminal network”.
The green economy in the Republic was worth about €10.7 billion in 2022, which was an increase of 21 per cent on the previous year, mainly driven by the increased output of the energy sector ...
Rural Ireland thrived under this new departure because of the proactive role of the state in developing Irish resources and ...
Microsoft and Trinity College Dublin have collaborated on a report that shows AI is likley to greatly impact the Irish economy by 2035.
Ireland’s energy transition could result in investments valued to up to €19bn annually by 2030, says the SEAI.
The new Primark proposals are expected to boost the economic fortunes of Ennis town centre through increased footfall ...