During a territorial fight in Nepal, two rhinos go head-to-head (and horn-to-horn), resulting in something never caught on ...
The census shows impressive results. The number of rhinos in Bengal stands at 392 (plus or minus six). It proves the state’s ...
Jaldapara National Park, home to the second-largest one-horned rhino population after Kaziranga, witnessed a remarkable surge ...
In India, one-horned rhinos are found in the wild in three states - Assam, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. While Assam has the ...
The Great One-horned Rhinoceros population in West Bengal has increased to 392 from 229. The Rhino census was conducted on the 5th and 6th of March, across Jaldapara National Park, Gorumara National ...
South Africa's rhino poaching declined by 16 percent last year when a total of 420 rhinos were poached for their horns, 79 ...
The latest report on rhino poaching in South Africa reveals a decrease in overall numbers for 2024, but ongoing challenges ...
While a local community prides itself on caring for a sensitive biodiverse Kaziranga, the authorities rebuff their attempts to remain involved.
He said upon failing polygraph tests the second one is done which is followed ... assisting in the poaching of rhino and trafficking of rhino horns. However, the time that it takes to finalize ...
In efforts to save the Northern White Rhino from extinction, scientists have embarked on an ambitious mission—implanting ...
Twenty rhinos have been found dead in the past eight months of the current fiscal year within the Chitwan National Park (CNP) ...