Ten years on from the riots, they spoke to BBC London about how that night affected them and their families and how they have learned from their experiences. Video journalist: Rob Taylor Bodycam ...
A counter protest, organised by Stop The Hate, was due to take place at the same time, with activists planning to hold an ...
Prime Minister David Cameron recalls Parliament on Thursday as Government tries to quell uprising 'Unprecedented' 16,000 police on duty in London - compared with just 6,000 on Monday night Cost of ...
London parents were told on Wednesday to know where their children are so they do not get caught up in riots. The advice came from the Metropolitan Police amid fears that violent far-right ...
I keep hearing comparisons between the London riots and riots in other European cities - window-smashing in Athens or car bonfires in Paris. And there are parallels, to be sure: a spark set by police ...
A new play hopes to make more people aware of the time a rave was organised to stop a riot. In 1995 there were two nights of ...
Ten years ago this week, riots spread across London and other major English cities, sparked by the death of 29-year-old Mark Duggan, who was shot dead by police in Tottenham on 4 August 2011.
We had utterly lost control. Ken Livingstone [Ken Livingstone became leader of the Greater London Council in May 1981 – one month after the riots and later became an MP and Mayor of London] said ...
Keir Starmer has ordered a new "standing army" of specialist police officers to be set up to tackle the far-right riots that have broken out across the UK and warned those taking part that they ...