Some Jeopardy! fans are voicing their disappointment that the game show chose to highlight Kanye West in a clue. During the ...
While the contestant from Brooklyn appeared eager to add to his existing $102,400 winnings, he likely didn't expect a clue ...
The game started off with a triple stumper on a $1,000 question. “A Chinese game combines with a Vegas one in this 3-word ...
There was a time when artists representing two of America’s biggest homegrown musical genres wouldn’t get a look in at the ...
Genesis began the '80s in transition and ended the decade on top of the pop world. Whether that was a good or bad thing might come down to your affinity for their older, more progressive approach.
It is easy to think of electronic music as a fairly modern phenomenon, particularly given its all-encompassing presence throughout the modern musical landscape. In actuality, the origins of electronic ...
在电子音乐制作领域,加拿大的Hexinverter Electronique公司与Erica Synths的合作带来了令人兴奋的消息。经典的Hexinverter Mutant鼓合成器系列模块以全新面貌重磅回归,旨在给电子音乐爱好者提供更加丰富的创作体验。这一系列模块不仅继承了Roland TR-808和TR-909的经典设计 ...
2025年1月23日,美国阿纳海姆全球最大乐器展NAMM期间,音乐科技界迎来一场盛事:MIDI协会盛大颁发了“MIDI终身成就奖”,以表彰在1983年至1990年间对MIDI发展做出杰出贡献的七位音乐传奇。这场颁奖典礼的焦点自然是来自日本的三位优秀工程师:菊本忠男、西元 ...