Rob Scheer and his five kids each made their own journey through the foster care system with a trash bag in tow. Rob was 12 the first time a case worker told him to shove his belongings in a trash ...
Rob Scheer and his five kids each made their own journey through the foster care system with a trash bag in tow. Rob was 12 the first time a case worker told him to shove his belongings in a trash ...
Parks / OPB Kids placed in the Oregon child welfare system ... luggage so they didn’t have to throw their belongings in a trash bag as they moved from placement to placement seemed like a ...
DCFS said it currently provides children entering their care or switching placements with a duffle bag that they can keep — ...
Four years ago, the General Assembly unanimously approved a law aimed at ending a routine indignity faced by foster children who, lacking luggage of their own, sometimes moved ...