春节,这一华夏民族的盛大庆典,以其深厚的历史渊源、丰富的传统习俗,串起了一代又一代华夏儿女的记忆。从抵御“年”兽的古老传说,到阖家团圆的温馨相聚,每一个细节都饱含着民族精神的传承,每一次欢庆都彰显着文化的力量。它不仅是时间的节点,更是情感的寄托、精神 ...
From the picturesque Bund to the majestic Jade Buddha Temple, experience the glory of China through the best places to visit ...
This has led to the belief that the Jowo Sakyamuni, as one of the earliest accounts of Buddha, is the most accurate visual representation of Buddha. Research has shown that this story is factually ...
In the center is the Sakyamuni Buddha statue and on the right side is the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva statue. On the left side is the Buddha Tripitaka statue, which has four guardians and 18 Arhats ...