Every great series has that one episode where everything quietly shifts. That one episode where a supporting character becomes essential and where the tone deepens without losing its charm.
Mar. 10—House Speaker Pro Tem Fred Doucette, R-Salem, resigned the House seat he's held for six terms to join the Trump administration as the Region 1 administrator of the Federal Emergency ...
Initially, Mitchell and Venditozzi wanted to build a physical monument to memorialize the victims of the Witchcraft Act. They studied similar memorials in other countries, including the Salem ...
Salem Police responded Friday afternoon to a report of a deceased 58-year-old man found downtown in the alley between Capitol Tower and Wild Pear at State Street and Liberty Street SE. Police ...
Giles Corey, a farmer accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials, pleaded “not guilty.” He didn’t believe he’d achieve a fair trial and refused to speak. He was subsequently ...
The medallion shows guests which direction to face for the spell, the proper wand movement, and the incantation. The effects work using a camera aimed at each location, so saying the incantation aloud ...
On March 1, 1692, Salem, Massachusetts, authorities interrogated Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne and an Indian slave, Tituba, to determine if they indeed practiced witchcraft. So began the infamous ...
THE BASICS: Witch by Jen Silverman runs November 7 – December 8 at the Road Less Traveled Theater. 456 Main Street, Bflo NY 14202. Box office – (716) 629-3069 / reservations@ ...