A.G. Smith has been writing and performing his Weeping Bank tales at theatres, libraries and community venues across the UK.
Vanishing Daughters, written in the wake of her father’s death, is a novel about living through grief. For Chicago novelist ...
And unlike horror movies that often rely on jump scares and gore, these well-written scary books provide all the creepiness without those concerns. So try out one of our favorite horror books, and for ...
Ghost Sector brings to mind PlayStation survival horror classics like Silent Hill and dreary cybernetic science fiction in ...
It’s not a heavenly, Christian superhero film though. Rather, it’s a lurid tale that combines the most striking elements of ...
TRADE, BUILD AND SETTLE: Embark on a quest to settle the isle of Catan! Guide your settlers to victory by clever trading and cunning development. But beware! Someone might cut off your road or buy ...
New Delhi, A spooky collection of ghost stories from Bengal, titled "The Phantom's Howl", brings together some of the ...
Athenodorus, maintaining his composure and not giving way to fear, signalled for the ghost to wait and continued with his writing. The story went on to become even more distressing, resembling more a ...
As the Everyman continues to mark the homecoming of Shirley Valentine this month, so too the Playhouse has cause to celebrate ...
Get ready to sleep with one eye open because these horror anime series are about to creep under your skin and haunt your ...