President Donald Trump on Monday nominated Michelle Bowman to oversee the Federal Reserve's financial regulatory efforts, a ...
The colorful former Wyoming Sen. Alan K. Simpson died Friday at age 93 while recovering from a broken hip he sustained in ...
She also worked as vice president at a local bank and held roles in Washington with Senator Bob Dole, FEMA, and the Department of Homeland Security. Her extensive experience in both state and ...
I applaud the nomination of Miki Bowman to serve as Vice Chair for Supervision. Miki has done an outstanding job as the ...
Alan K. Simpson, the three-term Republican US senator from Wyoming who worked with Democrats to overhaul federal immigration ...
It was such a notable disappearance from the menu that the Washington Times-Herald reported on its absence the next day. In 1988, Minority Leader Senator Bob Dole (R-Kansas) reflected on that fateful ...
Wyo., famous for his quick wit and ability to work across the aisle in Congress, died Friday morning. He was 93 years old. He died in Cody, surrounded by family and friends, after struggling to ...
And politics is rather barbaric.” Asked then if he was interested in joining the Cabinet if then Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan., were elected president, Simpson said no. “That would ...
She also had previous stints in Washington working for Senator Bob Dole, a Kansas Republican, and at the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. Get the latest ...
He often joined with Republican Sen. Bob Dole in urging both Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton to take a more active role in defending Bosnia from Serbian aggression. And Lieberman ...