Haul, the retail giant’s attempt at offering low-cost products, has yet to capture the attention of U.S. consumers in the way ...
Temu and Shein, two Chinese fast-fashion giants, are determined to increase their dominance in the U.S. market, challenging ...
SHEIN的超低价和高频上新,依赖中国珠三角密集的供应商网络。但2021年瑞士NGO“公共之眼”曝光其工厂工人每周工作75小时,工资却低于行业标准,引发全球舆论哗然。2022年英国Channel 4的纪录片《SHEIN内幕》进一步揭露其供应链问题,让品牌声誉蒙尘。如何提升透明度、改善劳工条件,成为SHEIN全球化路上的紧箍咒。
Amazon was reeling. The company’s revenue growth had fallen to its lowest levels in decades, and it was grappling with a ...
Major shipper industry groups, like the National Retail Federation, and major carriers, such as Class I railroad Union Pacific, say they have seen a significant pull-forward of imports to avoid rising ...
①亚马逊自1月中旬陆续在美国、欧洲、日本实施几项降低物流配送和仓储费用的政策,以优化卖家运营成本。与此同时,去年11月面世的低价商店Amazong Haul快速推进,并传出今年将在全球更多站点上线的消息。