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Wildlife experts have warned of potential damage to the environment after an oil tanker and c argo ship crashed in the North Sea. Concern is growing for the potential damage to the environment ...
“GKGJE Phase 4 contributes towards Shell’s global commitment to bring onstream new upstream projects between 2023 and 2025, that will together deliver an additional 500,000 barrels of oil ...
Energy major Shell has made changes to its oil and gas executive lineup following its move to refocus its strategy towards hydrocarbons and scale back on renewables. LNG fuel demand set to jump to ...
An icon of the Whatsapp messenger app logo. An icon of an mail envelope. A decentered black square over a white square. Shell integrated gas and upstream director Zoe Yujnovich is set to leave the ...
Tesla owners are finding creative ways to distance themselves from Elon Musk. They are now removing Tesla logos from their vehicles, replacing them with badging from other automakers, and even ...
The layoffs took effect on Dec. 13. Shell Energy Solutions is owned by the British-based Shell Oil company, which operates its U.S. headquarters in Houston. Kyle McClenagan is a digital reporter ...
New York hedge fund Elliott Management is pushing British oil major BP (BP ... pressuring the company to emulate rival Shell (SHEL) in prioritizing cash generation and shareholder returns over ...
Therefore, the company has scaled back green targets and committed to boosting oil and gas production. Recently, Shell’s rival company BP (BP) also announced its focus back to oil and gas after ...