If you see or experience any of the following symptoms and signs of a stroke, it's important to get immediate medical help, as a stroke is an emergency. Weakness in facial muscles as a symptom of ...
Early signs of HIV can include fatigue, rash, fever, chills, headache, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches, oral thrush, and night sweats. Some symptoms appear in the early stage of HIV, ...
Signs and symptoms are abnormalities that can indicate a potential medical condition. Whereas a symptom is subjective, that is, apparent only to the patient (for example back pain or fatigue), a ...
Sleep apnea can affect babies, children, and adults, although some of the identifying symptoms are different depending on your age. Here’s everything you need to know about the signs and ...
The onset of type 2 diabetes can be gradual, and symptoms can be mild during the early stages. As a result, many people may not realize that they have this condition. Possible early signs may ...
Stress and some conditions can increase cortisol levels. High cortisol can cause symptoms such as weight gain, acne, and fatigue. Doctors may refer to high cortisol as Cushing syndrome or ...
Many people who have this rare blood cancer don’t feel symptoms for years because it usually grows so slowly. Over time, myelofibrosis (MF) can affect the way your body makes the three types of ...
Colorectal cancers don’t always cause symptoms until they’re advanced. But signs of colorectal cancers can also be signs of other problems, like hemorrhoids or irritable bowel syndrome.
The symptoms of anal cancer include bleeding from the back passage (rectum), pain and feeling like there is a lump in or around your anus. You should see your GP if you have any symptoms that may be ...