[Martin] of [Wintergatan] is on a quest to create the ultimate human-powered, modern marble music machine. His fearless mechanical exploration and engineering work, combined with considerable ...
If you’re an avid coffee drinker, you know how the brewing process affects your daily cup(s). The best Amazon coffee makers ...
Wintergatan - Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles) The mechanism is hand-cranked to run a fly-wheel. The melodious output is pre-programmed via raised pins on huge rotating wheels ...
[Martin] of [Wintergatan] is on a quest to create the ultimate human-powered, modern marble music machine. His fearless mechanical exploration and engineering work, combined with considerable ...
Marble is surely a fan favourite when it comes to tile options, but make sure to check out these trendy tile alternatives as ...
Spring is the season for fresh starts, and there's no better time to give your new home the deep clean it deserves. You've ...
而我本身很喜欢比较自然的配色,因此参考 Lapis(天青石),将这个主题命名为 Marble(大理石)。 预览 这里是一份预览图片。 Marble 主题支持英文和简体中文,正文字体中文使用霞鹜文楷,英文使用Cantarell。 Marble 主题采用自然柔和的主题配色。背景颜色为 ...
When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more A creamy shot of espresso is the caviar of the coffee world. It's luxurious and can be hard to find ...
A Haxe port of Marble Blast Gold, Platinum and Ultra with 99% identical physics and cross platform multiplayer, runs on Windows, Mac, Web and Android!