Human Rights Watch has long denounced the contemporary form of slavery practiced in Sudan in the context of the fifteen-year civil war. This practice is conducted almost entirely by government ...
Inside Sudan, children are killed and maimed. Girls are forced into sexual slavery. Babies are orphaned. These are the horrors Sudan's children now face on a daily basis. In this brutal civil war ...
From traditional chattel slavery in Sudan to the contentious issue of trafficking in persons, international organizations such as Anti-Slavery International and Free the Slaves estimate that at least ...
Sudan's capital was on the cusp of being reclaimed ... a form of self-defence against the threat of mass rape and sexual slavery at the hands of the RSF. Meanwhile, survivors are fleeing to ...
"We've made slavery more profitable than narcotics," Jacobson says. Recently I asked Manase Lomole Waya, who runs Humanitarian Assistance for South Sudan, a group based in Nairobi, what he thought ...
A report issued by UNICEF investigators described horrific abuses, affecting children as young as 1 year old, in the civil war in Sudan. By Eve Sampson Armed men in Sudan have raped hundreds of ...
Famine was declared in several areas of Sudan. In addition ... Another topic that continues to be ignored is the risk of sexual slavery and trafficking as the war rages on. In early 2024, the ...
Hanin Ahmed initiated the Old Omdurman Emergency Response Room, and is External officer and representative of the Localization coordination council of Sudan ERR effort in the U.S. When I was ...
Slavery has always been part of Sudan's history, but in recent years it has become a new means in Sudanese warfare. Focuses on the moral dilemma aid organisations are faced with in Southern Sudan.