Kobayashi and his colleagues christened the new therizinosaur, Duonychus tsogtbaatari. The genus name means “double claw”, ...
"They call them the sloths of the Cretaceous period," said University of Calgary paleontologist Darla Zelenitsky. "Totally ...
Paleontologists unearthed the fossil in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, and the find is unique because of a sheath preserved on one ...
Paleontologists unearthed a fully preserved claw fossil. The prehistoric remains were found in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert. A ...
Paleontologists have discovered the largest fully preserved dinosaur claw in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, belonging to a new ...
Fossils unearthed during construction of a water pipeline in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia have revealed one of the oddest ...
Fossils unearthed during construction of a water pipeline in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia have revealed one of the oddest ...
Darla Zelenitsky says the remains of the therizinosaur were found in the Gobi desert in 2012 during the construction of a ...
A University of Calgary paleontologist is part of a discovery of a new species of dinosaur with 30-centimetre-long claws ...