Imagine plucking fresh, juicy fruit from your own patio or balcony. Discover how container gardening can transform small spaces into fruitful havens.
Whether you own a compact courtyard or a petite lawn, learning how to plan a small garden will help you get the most out of your space. With so many small garden ideas to play with, it can be ...
Growing small fruits in the home garden offers many advantages to a gardener who is willing to pro- vide the space and care plants require. All major small fruits, including strawberries, raspberries, ...
Consider growing some productive climbing crops for vertical interest too. Some great options include cucumbers, climbing beans and peas, or vine tomatoes. If you have the space, espalier or ...
All avid gardeners know that a successful garden always begins with well-established soil. Proper tillage will keep the ground free of weed yet aerated. But the hassle of tillage majorly comes from ...
These trees remain small but still produce an ... Surprisingly, even in the UK, peaches can be grown successfully. Varieties like 'Garden Lady' and 'Peregrine' adapt well to pot cultivation ...
It forms a small-to-medium pyramidal tree with a twiggy profile and fissured bark. Height and spread after 10 years: 4m x 3m. These flowers are highly scented Credit : Nick Kurzenko/Alamy Stock Photo ...
Malton's Castle Garden has been given a spring clean - thanks to a small army of volunteers. Armed with barrows, rakes and shovels the group has given the attraction a boost in preparation for the new ...
A new set of stamps is being issued marking the diversity of wildlife in the UK’s gardens. Images on the 10 stamps include ...
When it comes to robins and their preferred diet, peanuts stand out as another superb source of high-energy food. However, ...
Seaweed is something we often treat as a bit of a nuisance, stepping carefully around it on the beach on our summer holidays.