And, as the Danes will tell you, hygge is not limited only to the cold, dark months - you can practice hygge all year long.
When Swedish automaker Volvo opened its proving ground in Kiruna, Sweden, 30 years ago, the mission was clear: "Making sure that our products are truly fit for the harshest of winter conditions." The ...
An intense snowstorm in eastern Sweden on Saturday sparked two massive road accidents involving dozens of vehicles and leaving more than 100 people needing hospital treatment, officials said. Local ...
Photo: Polisen/TT Temperatures dropped across Sweden over the weekend, causing massive traffic accidents. Here's what it looked like. Did you take a picture of the cold weather in Sweden? Send it to ...
ARCTIC 12 documents a first-of-its-kind journey through some of Sweden’s most breathtaking yet harshest environments. Throughout the 22+ day trip, the team faced the unpredictable weather of the ...
The agreement positions Railcare as a national provider for snow clearance at designated locations across Sweden. Railcare CEO Mattias Remahl said: “We are delighted to have been awarded this ...