But the increasing use of airtight containers to bottle soy sauce by brands has begun breaking that habit in the last 10 years or so, as they allow the condiment to be kept at room temperature.
Karen Pan is the 2nd-gen owner of Goldleaf Restaurant, which was such a beloved supper spot that even superstars like Teresa ...
Holding up the supermarket own-brand 'light soy sauce' bottle to camera, she said: 'This one from Tesco is only 20 per cent soy sauce extract. The rest is water, salt, three different types of ...
There aren't many dishes that aren't made taster with a dash of soy sauce. From sushi and stir fries to marinades and chilli, the umami-packed condiment is a great way to deepen the flavour of ...
When it comes to our favorite store-bought soy sauces, there's one that reigns supreme. Interestingly, it's also been around ...
The soy sauce has been made using the same family ... For comparison, most popular soy sauces can cost less than a bottle of water, and other aged artisanal soy sauces generally cost around ...
There is that one bottle of soy sauce that sits around the pantry, ready to be poured into a stir-fry or some noodles. You don't know it is much beyond seasoning your Chinese dishes with just its ...
SINGAPORE: Frustrated with her maid's work, a woman dumped an entire bottle of soy sauce over the helper's head.  Noorwahidah Johari, 42, also threw chilli at the victim, Indonesian Putri Rizki Amelia ...
The employer, frustrated with the helper’s work performance, repeatedly abused her, including twisting her ear.