Space debris is a real hazard to life on Earth, a physics expert has warned, highlighting the dangers of falling space junk ...
Mining ocean resources needed for electric cars and other devices is currently a hot issue of dispute. Final resolution of ...
Scientists predict that there are currently more than 30,000 pieces of space junk orbiting above the Earth, and some are ...
Our exploitation and exploration of space has left 13,000 tonnes of junk orbiting Earth. Defunct craft and larger pieces of ...
Increasingly crowded orbits full of satellites and debris pose potential hazards for services on Earth, and need regulation.
As more spacecraft are launched, the risk increases that uncontrolled space debris - those without active guidance - will ...
Midwesterners who were out for a nighttime stroll Tuesday saw something a bit unusual in the sky as falling satellite debris ...
For a brief, but exciting, time last year, Earth had two moons. A small asteroid lingered close to our planet in its orbit ...
NASA estimates that there are nearly 6,000 tons of space junk in low Earth orbit, moving around our planet at speeds up to 18 ...
Just as we are reckoning with how to conserve ecosystems on Earth for future living creatures, we must think of space as an ...
A near-Earth object was likely ejected into space after an impact thousands of years ago. Now it could contribute new ...
Cai Xuzhe and Song Lingdong, part of China's three-person Shenzhou 19 mission, completed an 8.5-hour extravehicular activity ...