近些年来,人类的目光逐渐投向了太空,尤其是蕴藏丰富矿产资源的月球、火星、近地小行星等。太空采矿,这个以往在科幻小说和电影中出现的场景,正在逐步走向现实。2025年3月,中国矿业大学研发出国内首台太空采矿机器人。与时下火爆的人形机器人以及机器狗等不同, ...
The prospect of space mining — extracting minerals from the moon, Mars and other extraterrestrial bodies — has long captured ...
A team of Chinese scientists has created a six-legged "space mining robot" inspired by insects, which could be used for prospecting and mining on the moon or asteroids in the future.
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) were greeted with a spectacular sight thanks to SpaceX's recent Starship launch. NASA astronaut and current ISS member Don Pettit took to X ...
HONG KONG -- China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government Sunday announced that it has established the ...
How much space do you need when meeting a human versus a robot? People often prefer more distance from robots—even when they look remarkably similar to us.
A Swedish AI startup company has created a robot dog named Luna that has a functional digital nervous system capable of learning and adapting like humans and many animals, the company, IntuiCell, said ...
The three-module Tiangong was completed in late 2022 and has been constantly occupied ever since, with three-person crews ...
Researchers from the China University of Mining and Technology develops China's first space mining robot. Photo: Screenshot ...
Robots are part of an exciting new frontier in tech, but here’s the challenge: robots rely on arrays of sensors, external signals like GPS and Wi-Fi, and customized software to navigate their ...
Rivers Agile opened a deep tech innovation center in Callery. The center supports robotics and AI technology development.