Hard red spring wheat is the overwhelmingly dominant form of spring wheat grown in the United States and the dominant form of ...
The 2024 US spring wheat crop featured high protein in the western production areas of central and northeastern Montana and western North Dakota. eastern North Dakota and northwest Minnesota wheat had ...
While some experts believe durum could steal acres away from spring wheat in the U.S. this year, the seeding plans for ...
Durum stocks-to-use levels, comfortable at 35%, are projected to increase, Giles said, assuming exports fall as low as 15 million bus. Demand from Mexico will endure, but tariffs could complicate that ...
“No one is going to pay $12 for wheat for very long. Believe me, they will figure out some other mill mix,” the Minneapolis trader said. Only 42 per cent of the harvest was completed by Sept. 7 in ...
Everything from possible tariffs...to ongoing dryness are factoring into planting decisions right now in the Northwestern ...
North Dakota went big for Trump. Now many farmers say they face an uncertain future WIMBLEDON, N.D. — Spring has arrived ... corn and wheat — as well as pork, chicken and beef.
Glacier FarmMedia | MarketsFarm – Spring wheat prices in Western Canada declined slightly while durum prices were mixed during the week ended Nov. 28. The Canadian Grain Commission reported 544,300 ...
Iowa farmers, struggling with two years of financial losses, will get some relief as spring approaches. It and Texas lead the nation in aid received.
When strolling down the grocery store aisles, it’s hard not to notice the spike in egg prices over the past couple of months.
Cattle producers should consider feeding wheat straw to keep cows full and prepared for winter, according to a North Dakota State University Extension livestock expert. “Cows, as large ruminants, need ...