Woman spends night in 6-square-metre space with sink and two squat conveniences, cleans living quarters regularly as others ...
This week, the Catch-22 of sitting versus squat toilets sparked heated discussion on Weibo after a Beijing News article ...
If you have trouble pooping, a footstool like a Squatty Potty might help make it easier for you to "go." We tested five of ...
Shoe prints on top of the toilet seat are never a pretty sight. To prevent people from squatting over Western-style sitting toilets, there are some places that will place stickers above the toilet, ...
The TV presenter is seen awkwardly balancing on top of a toilet seat to try out the new squatting technique recommended to ...
A Xiaohongshu user, known by his surname Yang, has made a name for himself by travelling across China to review ultra-cheap ...
Author Roanne Lau writes how her culture and heritage (plus fond memories of visiting her grandparents) slowly shaped the ...
In the Sri Lankan context, hotline services play a vital role in providing faster and more convenient service to the public, ...
The issue is very clear, as The Guardian(UK) reported on March 25: despite its scale, 85% of Britons today do not know the full extent of Britain’s involvement in the slave trade. Over three million ...