Miraculeusement, Daniel Jackson a repris forme humaine. Il semble qu'il ait renoncé aux bénéfices de l'ascension pour prévenir SG-1 d'un grave danger. Anubis, vaincu mais non terrassé ...
Teal'c actor Christopher Judge wrote several episodes of Stargate SG-1, but there's a good reason he never wanted to directo.
Stargate SG-1 star Michael Shanks, who played scientist Daniel Jackson, had one frustration with the sci-fi spin-off series as it developed.
Vala Malduran, sorte de mercenaire, voleuse et menteuse qui écume la galaxie, collabore maintenant avec l'équipe SG-1. Le lieutenant Mitchell commande SG-1 et le général Landry le SGC.