Stereophotography cameras are difficult to find, so we’re indebted to [DragonSkyRunner] for sharing their build of an exceptionally high-quality example. A stereo camera has two separate lenses ...
Make sure that the camera(s) are rigidly fixed to each other (in the case of a stereo camera rig) or with respect to (w.r.t.) the pose tracking device (e.g. a robotic manipulator or an infrared ...
[courtervideo] shares an instructible with us on how to build a mirror rig to take stereoscopic pictures with one camera. We’ve had the thought “couldn’t you just do that with some mirrors?” ...
A detailed look at how the combination of stereo depth perception with 3D data in stereo cameras enables the functions of autonomous mobile and pick-and-place robots. Stereo camera use case with ...
The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) is Germany's most important contribution to the European Space Agency (ESA) Mars Express mission. The main objective of this mission, which reached Mars in ...