特斯拉 (NASDAQ: TSLA ...
Wall Street investment banks stepped up their bullish calls on Chinese equities as Morgan Stanley upgraded its target for a second time in as many months and Goldman Sachs said feedback from clients ...
It's Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, NVIDIA, and Alphabet and Tesla. And together, they were 33% of the S&P 500 index. Of course, the S&P 500 is a weighted index based on market cap, but the top seven ...
高盛首席中国股票策略师刘劲津周三发布了一篇名为《中国已经回归(Global marketing feedback: China is back)》的报告。 报告中称,海外投资者对中国股票市场的兴趣和参与度目前已经上涨到近四年新高,同时高盛也重申其观点,即中国股票市场本轮的涨势将会比去年9月时更加持久。
BYD has emerged in recent years as the clear leader in China's highly competitive electric vehicle market, which is the ...
#真财实料# 【力拓集团CEO:乐见中国经济持续增长】全球矿业巨头力拓集团首席执行官石道成在#中国发展高层论坛2025#年会接受CGTN主持人@Cynthia_GuanXin ...
BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- China's securities regulator said Friday it will advance the rule of law in the capital markets to make them more safe, well-regulated, transparent, open, vibrant and ...
当前,中国以创新科技和新质生产力作为经济高质量发展的火车头,港铁公司贯彻融入创新科技,拓展多元化业务,参与了内地轨道交通发展二十多年,深深体会了中国速度和中国标准在轨道交通行业上的圆满发挥,在设计、建设、运营维护等方面已建立了全系统的完整体系,相关数 ...