World War I was raging off the British Isles when the German submarine UC-18 surfaced to attack easy prey on the chilly morning of9, 1917. Its target, the Lady Olive, was about eight miles off the ...
Vice Admiral Sir Arthur Hezlet, Electronics and Sea Power (New York: Stein and Day, 1975), pp. 32–34; John D. Alden, The American Steel Navy (Annapolis, Md.: Naval ...
After serving in World War II and as a training ship afterward, the USS Becuna was enhanced with a GUPPY 1-A conversion in 1951. The submarine carried out various peacetime missions, such as ...
During World War II, Japanese-Americans in California were also interned. Capt. Kozo Nishino, the submarine captain, who was interviewed in Japan after the war, was reported by some historians to ...