今天,我们很高兴地宣布,Surface 商用系列在中国推出了全新 Windows 11 AI+ PC 产品:搭载最新英特尔®酷睿™ Ultra 处理器(第二代)的 Surface Pro 商用版和 Surface Laptop 商用版现已发售。即日起,企业客户在选择 Surface 商用版 Windows 11 AI+ PC 时,可在英特尔®和骁龙® ...
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN4 天
微软Surface Pro第11版:轻薄本AI PC的新典范
在科技日新月异的今天,微软再次以其卓越的创新力和技术实力,推出了Surface Pro第11版二合一笔记本电脑。这款笔记本以其轻薄的设计、强大的性能以及智能的AI功能,成为了职场人士和创意工作者的得力助手。特别是在国家提供20%补贴的优惠政策下,微软Surface Pro第11版更显性价比,成为了市场上备受瞩目的焦点。 一、轻薄设计,便携性强 微软Surface Pro第11版延续了Surface ...
很多用户想要了解,这些AI PC产品的变化在哪里。今年7月份,在产品正式发售后,我们也对新款Surface Pro 11进行了一段时间体验。 从整体上看 ...
Surface Pro 7 comparison, as well as our Surface Pro ... Helios The Acer Predator Helios is a supremely powerful gaming PC that is sure to rival pretty much all the best gaming laptops out there.
随着Windows 10终止支持日期的临近(2025年10月14日),全新Windows 11 AI+ PC Surface商用版成为了现代化企业业务的理想选择。它们不仅整合了硬件、软件和强大安全性以支持企业业务需求,还为利用未来发布的全新Windows 11 AI+ PC体验提供了适用性验证。
The custom ARM chip that Qualcomm is making for the Surface Pro X, called the Microsoft SQ1, soaks up more power to deliver computer-like performance rather than smartphone-like performance.
快科技3月20日消息, 微软在欧盟销售的Surface Pro 11设备已不再附带充电器,用户需要单独购买,微软解释称:“为了支持欧盟减少电子垃圾的倡议,电源适配器现在单独出售。” 对于已经拥有足够功率的充电器(Surface Pro 11使用65W充电器,通过USB-C接口充电)或Surface Connect接口适配器的用户来说,这一变化并无太大影响。
If tablets ever want to replace traditional PCs, they'll need to start spawning more USB-C ports - so far, only the Surface ...
The Lenovo ThinkPad X12 Detachable Gen 2 is a Microsoft Surface Pro alternative that's also versatile and powerful, and it's currently 45% off from Lenovo.
This keyboard is only compatible with Surface Pro X. The numbers in the image above ... and currently owns and runs a Computer Clinic.
while the Surface Pro 7 is faster and more flexible than ever before, still bringing a PC's versatility to a tablet size. Their prices are similar, but the way they do things differs – not least ...