IT之家 3 月 27 日消息,型号“2109”和“2110”的微软新品通过中国 3C 质量认证,预估为小尺寸的微软 Surface Pro。新品搭载高通骁龙 X 平台,定位高端,设计更轻薄现代,有望在今年 4 月官宣发布。
7 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN微软 Surface Pro 第 11 版:二合一笔记本电脑,生产力好选择在当今数字化时代,一款既能满足移动办公需求,又能带来高效生产力的设备无疑是职场人士和创意工作者的刚需。微软 Surface Pro 第 11 版,凭借强大的性能以及轻薄便携的设计,成为了二合一笔记本电脑中的明星产品。 💫 性能出色,高效办公 ...
Last time we tried to put our half-ton mule, Ruby, into the trailer, she said “Nothin’ doin’,” and this time she was only slightly more amenable. She walked into the trailer but was clearly not happy ...
The Traeger Woodridge Pro is the ideal hybrid grill for those who love true set-it-and-forget-it smoking but don't want to ...
No lag or jitter, and minuscule parallax was cured after a quick calibrate The XPPen Artist Pro 24 Gen 2 4K is a ...
It came in the form of a question - was it all worth it? Was this gathering of European powers enough to shift the diplomatic dial? Or had the United States made up its mind to go it alone on ...
Analog Dial-Up: This is the traditional dial-up connection, utilizing a modem and a standard phone line. It doesn't allow users to make or receive phone calls through their home phone service while ...