Investing in natural purification technologies offers not only lucrative opportunities but also a chance to drive meaningful ...
As the world prepares to observe World Water Day on March 22, 2025, the focus sharpens on the indispensable role of ...
Jordan on Saturday celebrated the World Water Day, reaffirming its commitment to enhancing the sustainability of its water ...
The Ministry of Works, Housing and Water Resources has collaborated with its agencies, the Ghana Water Limited (GWL) and the ...
Hard water is a persistent issue, but innovations in water treatment are set to transform how we manage it. High calcium and ...
A Bengaluru resident's innovative rainwater harvesting system, collecting 25,000 litres in just 30 minutes, has impressed ...
Geological resources like metals are vital for renewable energy and storage technologies but require significant energy and ...
but most people in the developed world don't think much about the water they use for drinking, food preparation, and sanitation. In developing nations, however, the search for safe drinking water ...
This has been achieved through systematic and controlled measures to use water more efficiently and to treat and reuse ...
By introducing this feature and campaign, Air Selangor can quickly identify and address leaks to minimise water resource losses and promote a more sustainable use of water. Guided by its vision to ...
The people of Arequipa face many challenges to their sustainable use of soil and water resources; contamination from past and current mineral resource extraction activities, inadequate management ...