IT之家 3 月 15 日消息,普联(TP-Link)本周三推出了其旗舰级 Wi-Fi 6 旅行路由器 TL-WR3002X,亚马逊上显示为 99.99 美元,首发 79.99 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 579 元人民币)。 TL-WR3002X ...
With the TP-Link Archer BE230 BE3600, you can upgrade to Wi-Fi 7 without breaking the bank. For just $119.99 list, and often less on sale, you get a dual-band router that uses Wi-Fi 7 technology and ...
Nothing tests your patience like a Wi-Fi signal that disappears right when you need it. This TP-Link AC1900 Wi-Fi Extender keeps things running smoothly, now for less than $50.
Three US departments are reportedly considering a ban of the popular routers due to ties to China-backed cyberattacks.
WR3002X, a Wi-Fi 6 travel router with 2.5 Gbps WAN, VPN security, and Mesh support, priced at $79.99 with code.