An curved arrow pointing right. Construction is under way for Spire London which will be the highest residential skyscraper in western Europe. The project is expected to be completed in 2020.
The world's tallest man, standing at 8 feet, 3 inches, Sultan Kösen, talks with WSJ Senior Editor Dean Napolitano about life before and after being the holder of a Guinness World Record.
Cantilevered high over the Tarn gorge in southern France, and yawning 2,460 meters (8,070 feet) in length, the Millau Viaduct is the world’s tallest ... change the map of Europe?
Born in Shikarpur, Sindh, Soomro was 7 feet 9 inches tall and was widely regarded as the tallest man in the country. Later, Multan’s Zia Rashid, who stands at 8 feet, claimed this distinction.
Norway has the longest coastline in Europe, stretching over 50,000km in length. The tallest mountain in Europe is Mount Elbrus which is 5,643m high. The Alps mountain range can be found in eight ...
Alan Vial, 39, of Drumanoo Head in Killybegs and 24-year-old Nikita Burns from An Charraig in Co Donegal, were found guilty ...