The traditional Independence Day concert took place at the same venue, the Estonia Theater in Tallinn. While the reception was held in the concert hall ... We do have so many extraordinary people," ...
President Alar Karis presented state decorations on Saturday at the Tallinn School of Music and Ballet (MUBA ... State decorations are awarded every year in connection with Estonia's independence day.
veebruari varavalgest kuni hilisööni, tuues vaatajateni õhtuse presidendi vastuvõtu meeleolukad hetked. President Alar Karis on seni vabariigi aastapäeva peoõhtut võõrustanud Estonia teatri- ja ...
President Alar Karis on seni vabariigi aastapäeva peoõhtut võõrustanud Estonia teatri- ja kontserdimajas ning ka tänavune pidu toimus seal. „President Karis tegi oma ametiaja alguses otsuse, et ...