Following ABC10's investigation, the charter school is admitting to attendance errors and says it will repay nearly $13M, but ...
Just 20 per cent of high school students attend classes in WA's Fitzroy Crossing. But there's a glimmer of hope at another ...
The new campaign, 'BE PRESENT SC' plans to address and improve student attendance across the state by providing helpful ...
AI-enabled facial recognition system to monitor student attendance in government schools, ensuring transparency and accurate records for educational improvement.
Some schools not 'learning from the best' in boosting attendance rates, Education Secretary warns - Minister tells teachers ...
If your address is impacted by the boundary adjustments, you will register your child(ren) at your new neighborhood school in ...
Alexandria City Public Schools is in the midst of considering boundary changes to address school capacities and enrollment ...
Harvard University will begin covering tuition and other fees for students from families making under $200k a year.
A civil rights lawsuit filed by Gillingham Charter School students and staff against the School District is set to head to federal court in Scranton on Friday. Twenty students and two staff members ...
Big changes are on the horizon as Sherman ISD plans to open three new elementary school buildings in August and close down ...
Educators said their students returned with lower academic skills after the COVID-19 pandemic and academic setbacks are ...
A student in one of the teacher’s classes said the posters remained up for weeks even after making multiple complaints to ...