消息传出,引发全球关注。曾经的行业巨头,如今却面临关闭全美350家门店、清仓甩卖的窘境,负债高达10亿至100亿美元,债权人超过1万名。 Forever 21将困境归咎于Shein和Temu,称它们利用“低值豁免”(de minimis ...
西班牙和意大利是欧洲电商增速最快的市场之一,2023年西班牙电商渗透率已突破70%,意大利网购用户年均消费超2000欧元。Temu此时入场,正以 “低价+补贴” ...
Shein and Temu's sales slowed in the weeks after President Donald Trump announced tariffs and said he'd close the de minimis ...
(文/霍东阳 编辑/张广凯)近日,美国快时尚品牌 Forever 21 申请了破产保护。公司在法庭文件中表示无法抵抗 SHEIN 和 Temu 对其经营造成重大影响。Forever 21 的联合首席重组官 Stephen Coulombe ...
SHEIN的超低价和高频上新,依赖中国珠三角密集的供应商网络。但2021年瑞士NGO“公共之眼”曝光其工厂工人每周工作75小时,工资却低于行业标准,引发全球舆论哗然。2022年英国Channel 4的纪录片《SHEIN内幕》进一步揭露其供应链问题,让品牌声誉蒙尘。如何提升透明度、改善劳工条件,成为SHEIN全球化路上的紧箍咒。
The fast-fashion retailer made it through the pandemic but struggled against cheap duty-free goods from China, as inflation ...
Temu has a comparatively stronger focus on sustainability as it collaborates with eco-friendly brands and offers products made from recycled or sustainable materials. When shopping online, especially ...
TEMU半托管和SHEIN半托管模式与全托管的区别 在此之前,全托管模式一度是公认的出海跨境标准答案。所谓全托管,指商家只需要供货,由平台负责 ...
Hundreds of Forever 21 stores are going to close by the end of the month as the company undergoes Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for the second time in six years.
公司在法庭文件中表示无法抵抗 SHEIN 和 Temu 对其经营造成重大影响 ... 接触了超过200位潜在竞标者,并与其中的30位签署了保密协议,但业内普遍 ...
Forever 21 blamed its second bankruptcy on rising competition from upstarts like Shein and Temu and their use of the de ...
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Online shoppers love Temu and Shein, the Chinese-based ecommerce sites with super cheap prices. With all the talk of possible tariffs, could those great deals come to an end?