Learn why landlords are breaking up with traditional property managers for self-management software providers like ...
MALAYSIA: One of the most common disputes between landlords and tenants revolves around deposit deductions at the end of a ...
Go paperless to save time, reduce errors and boost profits. Learn the benefits, choose the right software, and streamline ...
As more developers adopt automated property management tools, they’ve faced challenges with their renters and the law.
In a bid to curb thefts, assaults, and other criminal activities, police stations across South Goa have intensified tenant verification drive ...
Housing minister gives assessment of cases at 10 public rental housing estates where smart technology has been implemented.
In today''s digital landscape, data security is non-negotiable. For businesses handling sensitive information-whether it''s ...
By combining best practices from the NVIDIA Reference Architecture with an automated "zero trust" networking approach, Coherently AI delivers "cloud in a box" functionality. Custo ...
Greystar, which wants to build the biggest housing complex Taunton's ever seen, is being sued for "deceptively advertising ...
Mansfield District Council is spending £230,000 on a new computer system to help cut its unpaid rent from housing tenants – which currently stands at £1 million a year.
The Horseshoe building at HUB RTP. Photo: Courtesy of Choate Construction ...