At Tesco, Which? found a Twix white chocolate Easter egg had increased from £5 to £6 on last year and had also shrunk from 316g to 258g, meaning the unit price per 100g had gone up by 47%. Meanwhile, ...
Consumer group Which? has compared the cost of Easter eggs to last year's prices and has outlined how much they are priced at ...
The price of chocolate has risen by 16.5 per cent in a year - compared to a 4.4 per cent increase for supermarket food and ...
Easter eggs have gone up in price by as much as 50% on last year while shrinking in size, according to an investigation. The ...
Easter eggs have become up to 50 per cent more expensive than last year while shrinking in size, a Which? investigation has found.
Take a look through my photos so see how each one varied. The Aldi porridge costs 39p a pot, making it the cheapest, and the ...
I tried porridge pots from Morrisons, Quaker, Lidl, Aldi, Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's - and my favourite cost just 55p and ...
At Morrisons, Nestlé’s Kit Kat Chunky milk chocolate Easter egg stayed at the same price in the run up to Easter year-on-year at £1.50 but reduced in size from 129g to 110g, making it 17 per cent more ...
Nestlé’s Kit Kat Chunky milk chocolate Easter egg stayed the same price at Morrisons in the run-up to Easter year-on-year at ...
It comes after a steep fall in global cocoa production, driven by higher temperatures hindering the quality and quantity of ...
Easter eggs from big brands such as Cadbury, Mars and Terry’s are getting more expensive, with some eggs increasing in price ...