Key players from Seattle Computer Products were interviewed about creating the first DOS and how it became ... for IBM but suggested the firm seek out Digital Research (the makers of the already ...
The history of modern digital computers is actually ... Stibitiz got to work and the Complex Number Computer (CNC) was ready by the end of 1939. First put into operation on January 8, 1940 ...
In 1937, Konrad Zuse developed the world's first fully programmable computer. Powered by the electric motor from a vacuum cleaner, and with a clock speed of approximately one hertz, it went down in ...
In January of 1954, supported by the military, engineers from Bell Labs built the first computer without vacuum tubes. Known as TRADIC (for TRAnsistorized DIgital Computer), the machine was a mere ...
Image caption, 1944 - The world’s first large-scale electronic digital computer, the Colossus, designed by the engineer Tommy Flowers, arrived at Bletchley Park to break the complex Lorenz coded ...